Animaloid Races


Also known as beefolk, the apoideans were created by the god Artist. They are social folk fiercely protective of the city states in which they live. They are ruled by a queen, who wields magical ability to protect the interests of her subjects. Young apoideans undergo a rite of passage known as the Bumblerun during which they must survive outside their city for two weeks and return having completed a noteable action of valour or benefit to others. If their actions are deemed worthy, they become full subjects of the city and are seen as adults.

Beefolk brew a variety of magical brews from their honey, that can accelerate healing, or give a temporary boost to strength or other attributes. They also perform a magical dance, known as the Waggledance, either singly or in larger groups, when it has increased potency.

The apoideans have the power of flight, and can wield weapons with each of their limbs if sufficiently well trained. Their large eyes are set at the corners of their heads giving them a near 360 degree visual field. This means their highest warriors are truly formidable in battle, raining blows down from above with multiple weapons simultaneously, while being almost impossible to sneak up on.


One of two beetle derived races created by the god Artist. The original beetle folk were deemed ugly and awkward by Artist who wished to destroy them all. A few were spared by Weaver and moved to a separate plane where they remained until the time of Isle of Echoes. The countless milenia of isolation saw them split into two distinct races of which the Anthribida are one.

They have tough exoskeletons and strong mandibles making them dangerous opponents when riled. Their shamans perform rituals that access magical abilities including far-seeing, cloaking of their brethren among others. Some among them specialise as warriors, scribes or cartographers, though most have no specialty.

They are generally a peaceful race, except with regard to their cousins the Curculiona, for whom they hold a bitter hatred. They are able to walk on two legs, though for all but short distances they run on all six legs. In battle they will rear up to wield weapons with their forelimbs.


The Curculiona, or greater beetles are larger than the Anthribida and have retained the power of flight. They speak no recognisable language and communicate between themselves by gesture, scent, and a primitive form of telepathy that allows a general understanding of an objective among a swarm of them. They are voracious in their appetite and will eat any living material they find, including the bodies of those who fall in battle. They use no magic and have never learned to read, write or count. This lack of learning means they use no tactics in battle beyond a rush to tear their enemies apart.

Like the Anthribida they have natural body armour, though their gossamer wings are easily damaged.


The Tegenaria are the commoner of the two spider races created by the goddess Weaver, and are considered the improved version by her. They spin webs in complex patterns that can hold magical enchantments. They use a variety of types of venom which can paralyse or kill, among other effects. They are highly territorial but have never sought to conquer other races. Their communities tend to avoid the humanoid races, but have been known to trade with the Fey.


Also known as the antfolk or just Ants, the formicans were created by the goddess Hunter, and are based on the insects, ants. They have six legs, natural body armour, and powerful mandibles they wield like twin swords in battle. Fast and strong, they are dangerous opponents. They communicate through a language of clicks, augmented by scents. They are able to learn some words in other languages, though never become fluent.

They live in large underground cities of thousands of individuals, ruled by a queen. They are aggressive and hold territories which they expand where nothing prevents their doing so. They will take slaves from the communities of other races they overrun, and compel their slaves to serve them in their underground cities. Queens can live for many decades and the oldest gain limited magical ability, typically the ability to compel others to their will. they use this ability to direct their minions better in battle.

Their legends tell of a time known as The Swarming when Formicans from across the mortal realm will unite into a single army that will conquer the world.


Pegasi were created by the god Air, and are of course based on terrestrial horses. The fact that pegasi do not speak has caused many to think of them as no more intelligent than horses. This is not true, and pegasi quickly learn to understand the speech of humans and other mortals. They communicate telepathically, and do so with members of other races who also achieve that ability.

They are content to live alongside humans and other races and will tolerate riders. Their flight is a magical ability, and thus their flight muscles are diminutive compared to other flying creatures of similar body size. They are generally peace loving, but their ability to strike from above with their hooves makes them dangerous when riled.

The air mages at the school of air magic in Loft have long dispatched pegasi to recover the bodies of fallen air magi, and return them to the school for burial.

Shape Shifters









All dragonkin except dragonets are immortal. All are intensely magical, fly well, and are considered to be the children of the Elder God Beanleheirballscalai the Dragon Queen who sacrificed herself at the end of the war between demons and gods to seal the demon prison for all time. She created the first dozen great wyrms from scales she plucked from her wings.

Great Wyrms





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