SPOILER ALERT – this area will contain some character / plot information
June 2024
I’m working on editing book one of the series, Isle of Echoes. There are a couple of scenes that need significant rewrites to focus them better to Arlechs’ goals and motivations and remove excess world information that impedes pacing. After that I will be reviewing the balance of Arlechs’ memory flashes from his previous incarnations with the aim of those flashes having a sense of them building towards something (the reveal of his past lives that comes after he has left Navernum).
I also want to revise Sophist’s scenes to tighten up on what her plots are actually trying to achieve, beyond general mayhem.
I’m struggling a bit with how significant a role Arlechs should have in the climax. As things stand he does not “save the day”. While that sets him up for guilt in the future at not having saved his father, and therefore having him overcome that internal struggle over the series, it also means the main character is not the one who saves the day. My gut says that’s OK though in my discussion with my professional editor she was less clear on that point.
I’ve also taken several of the sub-plot threads out of the series, to enable me to focus more on Arlechs, Gaelwyn, Botan in the mortal realm, and the gods’ race to find out what the demons are up to. I intend still to write those other plot threads eventually, but to give them their own books. We’ll see how that goes. I have written several scenes for Book 2, which will probably be called “The Lost City of Mounde”.
July 2024
Still editing, I find this much less enjoyable than writing / drafting. I’ve written a couple of short stories connected by a legendary sword, the sword of Tiguar. They are a way of exploring the back story for a character (in book two), and expanding the lore of the continents of Swelt and Furm. I might write more stories about this sword and either publish them or put them on this site at some point.
November 2024
I’ve joined in with a group of fantasy writers on Mythic Scribes (a lovely bunch of people on a well moderated form, who all write fantasy fiction to varying levels of success, ranging from published authors to wannabe start ups). There was a challenge to try and write everyday in November. It was inspired by NaNoMo, but without any of the controversy that would entail / attract. We’ll see how it goes.
As of today (25th November) I have written about 25,000 words this month, mostly the first draft of book two in the series – The Lost City of Mounde. It picks up where Isle of Echoes left off, following Arlechs, Gaelwyn and Botan, but introducing some new characters as well.
December 2024
I managed to average 1,000 words per day over the month of November on Lost City of Mounde, which felt like a real achievement. There was an emotionally intense scene between Arlechs and Gaelwyn, that left me feeling drained. I hope it comes across well in the final draft.
Since then I’ve been working on Isle of Echoes, and had a very helpful discussion with a good friend who is an avid fantasy reader, one time film editor, and all round smart guy. The outcome has been a further review of the structure of the first part of the novel.
I’ve started reading and reviewing other people’s works on scribophile, a site dedicated to helping writers get helpful feedback on their work (with a strong emphasis on helpful). I’ve learned a lot already from doing these reviews, which have made editing my own work easier and more focused. I’ve also read some chapters and one full book I have absolutely loved, which is never a bad thing. I won’t name those authors here as I haven’t asked their permission to do so.
I also entered a short story competition for the first time, I’ll know in February whether I was successful (I expect not to be, given it’s my first ever submission of anything I have written).