Order was curious about Mnemamn and his constant writings so she followed him one day to his secret place, there seeing his records kept in disarray. Realising the potential power of such a record she convinced him that they should be organised. Needing someone to create and manage the library, they created together the Librarians – a race of Undying – multi-limbed folk who could see in the dark and had the power to read and write all languages. The Librarians knew nothing of the worlds outside the library and for millennia were content to go about their work building rooms, shelves and a catalogue for the writings of Mnemamn, whom they regarded as the One True God. Mnemamn forbad them the destruction or alteration of any record in the library, making their preservation the paramount task of the Librarians. He had also required of them a vow to keep secret the location of the library and its contents, fearing wisely the consequences of such knowledge in the wrong hands. The Librarians developed another principle for themselves – the law of impartiality, which said that they should never take sides and only ever act as impartial observers, no matter what they bore witness to.


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