As Chaos and Order grew, Chance travelled further afield more often with them. Shadow grew lonely by herself, so she took four of her six arms and made from them Life and Death who were sisters, identical save for the colour of their hair. The sisters, Life and Death, jealous that they were made and not born, attacked Shadow stabbing her through her chest and abdomen. Saddened by their treachery, Shadow did not fight back but allowed herself to be grievously wounded.
Chaos, Chance and Order came upon her and, with Time, stopped the bleeding, but shadow did not recover, so great was the damage done to her. Realising this, Chance gave up his own heart willingly, shattering his ribs to do so. Luck and Fate sprang into being from the fragments of the shattered ribs. Time healed Chance, though he ever after lacked the ability to express emotions, having no heart. Shadow finally recovered, swearing enmity for ever against Life and Death. She was afraid of her daughters though, and could not bear to look upon them, so she took her eyeballs and, with Chance and Time’s help, created Light and Dark, who were cyclopean twin brothers. They swore to protect their now blind mother from their devious sisters.