As they grew up, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter grew restless and wandered far away from their parents, as children must eventually do. They met Time, and became his students. They learnt much from him about the flow of events, causality, inevitability and much more. Father and Mother meanwhile had four more children – Dawn, Noon, Eve and Night, but Mother grieved greatly for the children she had lost and so Father went out to look for them. While away he came upon Fate and the two became lovers, having a child, Samanh.

Father found his lost children but could persuade only Autumn to return to their Mother. Autumn told her of his learning under Time’s tutelage. When she in return blessed him, he told her of Father, Fate and their love for one another. Mother wept on Autumn’s head, turning his hair red. She went out too, to seek Father, leaving Autumn alone. Having never met them before, he did not recognize his siblings as such, although they knew of him from their mother.

Night, who had desire for his sister, Dawn, persuaded Eve that she should seduce Autumn. Night believed that this would make it possible for Dawn to accept his own feelings for her. Eve discussed Night’s suggestion with Noon and they decided both to lie with Autumn, despite knowing he was their older brother. Noon and Eve gave birth to Thinker and Farmer, respectively, from that union. When Autumn learnt that they were in fact his sisters he fled back to Time in shame, taking a vow of celibacy from that moment forward.

Mother confronted Father for his infidelity. He repented, begged her forgiveness and returned with her, but not before Mother had cursed Samanh and all her descendents. When Mother and Father returned from their travels they saw that Autumn had left again and asked his younger siblings where he had gone. Night told them of Autumn’s seduction by Noon and Eve. When confronted they revealed it had been Night’s idea and explained Night’s love for his sister, Dawn, and their two children, Seer and Artificer, who they had conceived together. Father and Mother were astonished at how like themselves their grandchildren were in appearance, and as they grew, in personality too. Seer and Artificer, always close, became lovers as they grew older and Artificer gave birth to Amomeia, who became the messenger of the gods.


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